Календарь обучения TRX

Календарь обучения TRX

TRX courses and the obtained certificate is a great opportunity to improve your professional level, increase the number of clients, and make your training more interesting and safer. After training, all participants receive an individual certificate. TRX certification is widely recognized worldwide and provides qualifying points in all major personal fitness trainer certification and licensing databases in the US, Europe and Australia.
TRX® course calendar for 2025
If you don't know which one to choose, the course descriptions can be viewed here
15. februaryTRX® for YOGATRX usage for mobility, stretching and yogacancelledLatviaLV175 Eur
22. februaryTRX® STC (level 1)TRX suspension training basic courseregisterLatviaLV175 Eur
23. februaryTRX® GTCTRX group concepts coursecancelledLatviaLV175 Eur
22. marchTRX® STC (level 1)TRX suspension training basic courseregisterLatviaLV175 Eur
23. marchTRX® GTCTRX group concepts courseregisterLatviaLV175 Eur
12. aprilTRX® for YOGATRX usage for mobility, stretching and yogaregisterLatviaLV175 Eur
26. aprilYBELLYBELL training basicsregisterLatviaLV175 Eur
24. mayTRX® STC (level 1)TRX suspension training basic courseregisterLatviaLV175 Eur
25. mayTRX® GTCTRX group concepts courseregisterLatviaLV175 Eur
20. septemberTRX® STC (level 1)TRX suspension training basic courseplannedLatviaLV175 Eur
21. septemberTRX® GTCTRX group concepts courseplannedLatviaLV175 Eur
18. octoberTRX® STC (level 1)TRX suspension training basic courseplannedLatviaLV175 Eur
19. octoberTRX® RIPTRX RIP training courseplannedLatviaLV175 Eur
22. novemberTRX® for YOGATRX usage for mobility, stretching and yogaplannedLatviaLV175 Eur
23. novemberYBELLYBELL training basicsplannedLatviaLV175 Eur