The difference between the original TRX and the copies

Original or Fake - What's the Difference?
Читать далееExpanding Possibilities: TRX Welcomes YBell Fitness into the Family

TRX, a well-known company in functional training equipment and education, has made a big step forward by acquiring YBell® Fitness. YBell, an Australian fitness equipment company renowned for its groundbreaking designs and versatile training tools, brings a fresh wave of innovation to TRX's already impressive lineup of patented products and training solutions. This partnership brings even more innovation to TRX's already impressive range of patented products and training solutions. The goal of this partnership is to enhance TRX's position as a leader in the industry while empowering individuals to move better and lead healthier lives.
Читать далееUnleashing the Power of TRX Bandit: Your Ultimate On-the-Go Workout Companion

In the world of fitness gear, TRX has always been at the forefront of innovation, creating workout equipment that caters to the needs of fitness enthusiasts on the move. From the ingenious Suspension Trainer designed by TRX founder Randy Hetrick during his time as a Navy SEAL, TRX has now introduced the TRX Bandit – a small yet mighty addition to their lineup that will revolutionize the way you perceive strength bands. In this article, we'll explore the versatility and benefits of the TRX Bandit and provide you with four exciting ways to incorporate it into your on-the-go workout routine.
Читать далееFitstore Friends Convention 2022

28 мая 2022 года состоялось первое постпандемическое мероприятие по фитнесу и коучингу в странах Балтии.

Как мы все знаем, в последние два года все "изголодались" по мероприятиям и общению, поэтому после отмены ограничений covid-19 в конце марта команде Fitstore пришла идея организовать фитнес-мероприятие для тренеров и любителей спорта. В течение двух месяцев команде Fitstore удалось добиться успеха, и 28 мая в спортивном центре Сигулды состоялось масштабное фитнес-событие - Fitstore Friends Convention 2022.
Читать далееКалендарь обучения TRX

TRX courses and the obtained certificate is a great opportunity to improve your professional level, increase the number of clients, and make your training more interesting and safer. After training, all participants receive an individual certificate. TRX certification is widely recognized worldwide and provides qualifying points in all major personal fitness trainer certification and licensing databases in the US, Europe and Australia.
Читать далееОписание курсов TRX

Here you can find detailed information about each TRX training course: TRX STC, TRX FTC, TRX GTC, TRX YOGA, TRX RTC and TRX YBELL.
Читать далееTRX Tactical: The Ultimate Outdoor Workout Companion

As you probably already know, TRX is a revolutionary fitness training tool that has taken the fitness world by storm. Born in the Navy SEALs, it is a highly portable performance training tool that is designed to develop strength, balance, flexibility, and core stability simultaneously. The TRX Suspension Trainer utilizes gravity and the user's bodyweight to perform hundreds of exercises and has become a go-to for trainers, athletes, and military personnel worldwide.Although, this time we want to tell a little bit more about the TRX Tactical® Suspension Trainer Kit because it takes things a step further. The TRX Tactical® Suspension Trainer is designed specifically with the military in mind, built to withstand the toughe...
Читать далее10 US Navy training exercises you can learn with the TRX suspension system

The US has a diverse military force, but also an elite Navy that must be able to conduct warfare in all conditions, with a particular focus on training on the water. TRX founder Randy Hetrick, a former US Navy Seal, says the Navy trains like professional athletes to be ready for any mission. However, civilians can also perform many of the same exercises the Navy performs - all they need is a TRX suspension system.
Читать далееTRX exercise programme for the deep muscles of the back and abdomen.

Summer is coming and you want to get back in shape? Incorporate this effective and efficient programme into your workout plan 2-3 times a week for one month.Just 30 minutes long, it will improve your strength, strengthen your abdominal and back muscles, reduce the risk of injury and get you ready for cycling, running, swimming and other summer activities. Download this PDF to your computer or phone and take it with you wherever you train.
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